Our Thoughts

It’s that ever-exciting time of year again! We’re all taking the past year into account - the ups & downs, what’s changed & what’s remained the same – & we’re all making resolutions to lay the foundation of what we want next year to look like. Everyone knows the general New Years Resolutions, but let’s take a more detailed look of what was important to people this time last year…

According to StatisticBrain.com the top 5 Resolutions for 2015 were:

Top 10 New Years Resolutions for 2015
1.) Lose Weight
2.) Get Organized
3.) Spend Less, Save More
4.) Enjoy Life to the Fullest
5.) Stay Fit & Healthy

I always had trouble making New Years Resolutions because my list always ended up seeming redundant. Everything seemed to end up tying back into general health & wellness, but I made my seemingly-redundant list, every year, anyway.

The #3 resolution in 2015 was Spending Less & Saving More. That resolution is pretty classic; I remember adding it to my list when I was 10 (considering myself quite grown-up simply because I’d reached the double-digits). However, at 10 I wasn’t as concerned with resolution #2: Getting Organized. In hindsight, that may have been where my plan to begin saving failed (that & the fact that American Girl dolls were all-the-rage at the time).

If I can note no other change in 10-year-old Ann versus 25-year-old Ann (don’t worry, I can), I’ve realized that many of the resolutions I was adding to my list weren’t necessarily redundant, but were meant to work in tandem. Furthermore, what I’ve learned in the past 2 years of working with TBH is that that’s exactly how Resolution #2 & Resolution #3 of 2015’s top 5 list work.

Spending Less, Saving More & financial wellness in general don’t just happen, it takes getting organized… it takes planning.

According to StatisticBrain.com only 8% of people are successful in achieving their resolutions. That number is overwhelmingly low, but it doesn’t decide which side of the statistic you land on. At TBH our purpose is to help people achieve their goals; to not fall prey to the 92% of that statistic. As we all fly through the end of 2015, dive into the beginning of 2016, & make big decisions about what we want the next year to look like, remember that goals & resolutions are important & that, sometimes, when your list looks redundant, it’s because your goals are meant to work together.

Kim Sams, FPQP
About the Author
Compassionate, Caring, and Loyal.